

If you are deciding on how you wish to confront your abuser, please be aware that as emotions will be running at an all-time high, deciding something of this importance may not serve you. YET. Let me explain: This is of huge significance and how you feel will impact what you do, so please allow yourself further clarity of thought before acting.
The last thing you need is to regret this afterwards, so giving yourself some grace and compassion around this, is crucial.

The myth that survivors will just keep quiet, nurse their wounds and accept what happened to them without making any noise whatsoever, is slowly being derailed, and not before time. What this translates to, is now that you have your voice and the autonomy to manage the situation the way you wish to, the power balance is rightfully restored. Celebrate that!
One of the major aspects of resolution is confronting your abuser, whether face to face, through a group setting, over the phone, email or even just telepathically. Some people choose to sit with their counsellor and read them a letter addressed to the abuser.
It doesn’t much matter how you do this, rather that you do what resonates with you. Be aware though, that however it manifests will throw up a myriad of responses within you. You can expect to feel rage, incredible grief and a growing sense of frustration at all of it.

However you decide to deal with this is going to be right for you. Let me say that again. However you decide to deal with this is going to be right for you. Don’t make the mistake of asking people that don’t understand, what you should do. Rather choose someone that does listen carefully to you and that you trust.
Telling you what to do is not going to work in the long run, it must be your decision 100%. The well-meaning people in your life who care about you and want the best for you may surprisingly, be the ones that try to stop you taking any action whatsoever. This comes from a place of loving protection, but will also need boundaries in place, as coming to terms with what happened, working your way through the healing process, and dealing with triggers are enough in their own entities without being made to feel you should forgive someone, confront someone, do nothing, or deal with the abuser in a specific way.

You will know that what you choose to do is the right path because you will feel at peace in the design and the planning of it. If you don’t and I’m not talking feeling anxious or nervous about it, I’m talking about feeling angry and unresolved about everything, then it won’t be right for you

There is no specific or correct formula for this. What will be useful is to plan it out and by that, I mean write it out talk it out rehash it, put it aside for a week have a look at it again and just keep assimilating it, absorbing it until you begin to feel this is the right solution for you, to gain the resolution you deserve and need.

You need to honour whatever emerges in you, but if there is no peace or no sense of closure for you, it may not be the right action after all.

As in all things, trust yourself, be guided by you and know that where you are in this situation is exactly where you are meant to be.
How do I know that?
Because you are right there experiencing it.

Gloria Masters
Gloria Masters
[email protected]
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