
My blogs are specifically designed for survivors of child sexual abuse, providing ways to navigate through it.

  • All
  • Behaviour
  • Emotions
  • Mindset
  • People
  • Spiritual
  • Techniques

So many times, we want to change our reality from what is actually happening to something else. Our ‘what is’ to ‘what if’ becomes a place we’re often found but...

I  have heard that friendship is in our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. ​Most of us have people that fall into these categories and know what it...

Everyone’s doing it, reviewing their lives through setting goals. Many people can be heard discussing how they have now achieved ketogenic gold or run their 3rd marathon in 3 months....

Self-love takes commitment and determination. It is challenging, misunderstood and completely underestimated in its power to change lives. Sounds like a massive statement - but one I stand by it. What’s...

Although it makes the world go around and is wonderful to experience, love is sometimes hard to feel. When people in our lives are challenging, loving them becomes a decision,...

Is known as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Recently I’ve had cause to doubt mine. Doubt what I’m doing and what I believe because what I wanted to...

​Its’ all about perception. Forgiveness ranges from something we do easily and willingly to something we withhold and use like a weapon. The problem being we don’t recognise a fundamental truth: If...

There seems to be some confusion around Angels and what they look like. As you know I am a huge fan, and though big white wings and shiny halos are my...

​Doubt is common to survivors and grew exponentially from the very first time we were abused.We had no choice you see but to doubt ourselves, because we couldn’t afford to...

Have you met yours yet? That voice inside your head that is never quite happy or satisfied with what you do? That endless monologue about how you should just do one...

Spirituality’s come up a bit lately. What it means, how it differs from one person to the next and how strong beliefs create such division and hatred in the world. What...

​I was at dinner the other night with a couple of friends and the topic of negative people arose. Though we saw it differently, we were unanimous on a couple of...