
My blogs are specifically designed for survivors of child sexual abuse, providing ways to navigate through it.

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  • Behaviour
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  • Techniques

Years ago, I came across some universal principles, and the law of allowing was one of them. It has always resonated with me because it makes sense and makes me...

I was asked recently how to stay positive when everything indicates feeling the opposite. When life feels like it’s just negative and certain people in it just don’t get you. Good...

​It struck me the other day that staying positive for positive’s sake is not that helpful, that always seeing the world through rose coloured glasses doesn’t work all the time....

​I was talking to a friend the other day about life and how hard it can be. How it never stays easy and straightforward, and how the challenges seem to...

It happened to be my birthday and I was with a friend celebrating. Naturally we were overlooking a gorgeous stretch of silvery smooth water, when a magnificent pod of dolphins...

Do you ever feel so alone there’s no-one around who gets what you are going through? That they just don’t see it and you can’t spend one more minute talking...

I'd love to be able to tell you that being a parent is easy and that everything always works out in the end due to all your wonderful wisdom and...

When I was in Dublin recently, a friend gave me E2 by Pam Grout to read. That turned out to be a mistake, because I couldn’t put it down and...

Although grief is largely associated with death, it is not only defined by that. It can also be found during the end of a relationship, a serious health issue, losing...

Toxic people are everywhere. We read about them in the news, or know them as neighbours or work colleagues. For some of us they are family, which means we are...

I met someone recently who finds life a challenge. She is retired, successful and enjoys a lifestyle some would envy. When she feels happy – life is great. The rest...

I recently read a book by Edith Eger called The Choice. It is inspirational, powerful and well worth reading. It got me to thinking that when you break it down life really...