
I dedicate this blog to Malcolm Richards. It’s almost unbelievable how difficult trying to get somewhere with your abuse can be. From hoping that people will understand what it is you have...

One of the hallmarks of being a survivor can come with the experience of not being believed. This appears in many forms but usually begins with Are you Sure? He or She...

When you are a survivor having someone who believes you and supports you is gold. Finding at least one person who stands by you and supports you it’s almost indescribable. For some...

When deciding to inform your children about your childhood sexual abuse, it's important to approach the conversation with care, taking into account their age, emotional maturity, and ability to comprehend...

What does it even mean, and where does it stem from? It sounds quite intellectual, but it’s not. It’s basically when we do things that block our success and prevent good things...

Sometimes for survivors, Xmas can feel traumatic, anxiety provoking and a sense of dread can descend. I know that for some of us, the worst of experiences occurred over this timeframe. 
Sometimes as survivors we feel like we are made of broken pieces. Seeing a glass fall to the floor and shatter, noticing the shards lying on the floor

Whether we know it or not, we have boundaries with every single person we interact with. We decide who we let into our inner circle, outer circle or not at... This youtube video is invaluable in explaining why adult survivors of child sexual abuse struggle to speak out. A very informative and powerful watch. Children who are sexually abused are told...

Three years ago I began the journey of writing this book 'On Angels Wings - My flight from trauma to grace', and now it is done. Its here people, therefore...

Sometimes we have no idea of the impact we have. Sometimes we can tell straight away, we’ve just got it wrong, and other times we have no idea. We don’t...

The problem with things ending is that they don’t check in with us first. If they had bothered, they would find we’re not interested right now, thanks anyway. We like...