10 Dec Rejection
What causes us to feel rejected and why?
We are then left wondering why people are so cruel.
There are many reasons for that, but people who feel good about themselves don’t tend to make other people feel bad, so there’s the first hint.
Perhaps they have suffered from rejection themselves and want to share this round or maybe they want to get in first, before they get rejected.
It usually comes from a place of lack.
They usually have their own agendas, maybe they are feeling insecure or don’t want your light shining brighter than theirs. Interestingly, those people are often feeling envy, low self-esteem or worthlessness in their own lives. The saying ‘How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you’ is never truer than when rejection is at play.
It doesn’t make it easier to bear, but it does alert us to be a little more savvy around who we share our precious time with.
Human nature dictates we will probably experience both sides of rejection, yep, I just wrote that. At times, we will do our own share of rejecting, consciously or unconsciously. Naturally we would prefer to think that we only live in the ‘all welcome’ space, but its’ just not true. When we are busy or have too many people making demands on our time, rejection of others can occur. Sometimes it can even be deliberate and we need to own that. Hold the mirror up people.
This doesn’t make us wrong, but we need to accept we are all imperfect human beings.
Although we can feel powerless in the face of rejection, we can take charge of it by recognising that is how we feel and change how we approach it. Seeking to understand why we experience it is helpful, perhaps it is us who are feeling needy, or less than. Perhaps it is true that we are relying on the same people too much to provide us with entertainment or company. Or perhaps it is simply that that person is not really on our team. However it shows up, some ways to manage it could be:
- Acknowledging it’s there
- Recognising the impact
- Deciding on whether its intentional or not
- Taking action on it – may be a conversation with the person doing the rejecting, or simply removing your proximity to them
- Accepting that life is always a contrast
- Trusting that all will be well
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Know that to people who love you, you are worth loving.
See you next week
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